free gifts for you
Self Love Grab-Bag
Designed with the modern-day goddess in mind, these tools give you a quick and easy (30 minutes or less) practice aimed at cultivating and upleveling the love affair you deserve with your own sweet self.
Note: this is a "dealer's choice" situation! I will select your free gift from my quiver of delicious tools, using my own intuition.
All material created or adapted for use by Kyle Melody Coaching using methodology, disciplines, and inspiration sourced from my various teachers and courses of study, both formal and informal. A deep bow of gratitude to my main teacher Layla Martin, and her Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. Additional resources include: Diane Poole Heller, PhD, Dr. Peter Levine, PhD, The Work of Byron Katie, Tara Brach, Gabrielle Bernstein, Laura McKeown, Michelle Young (My Vinyasa Practice).