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Love it? Keep scrolling to learn about my signature program: The Magnetic Man

Grounded confidence in the bedroom and beyond.

The Magnetic Man

THE MAGNETIC MAN was designed with the modern man in mind. Think of this as the place where you get to step into the sex education you deserve. A place where you get to develop deep-rooted confidence in yourself, your body, your primal truth. This is a place where you get to move from performance to pleasure.  An exploration of what masculinity means to you, and how to tap into its healthy, healing power. You'll learn things you never knew about sexual anatomy (men's and women's), and you'll learn how to harness sexual energy as fuel for living to your full potential, in the bedroom and beyond.

Hi! I'm Kyle. 

I'm a men's sexual empowerment coach, helping men connect to self-love, confidence and sexual mastery. I'm passionate about body-positivity and healthy masculinity.

The Magnetic Man is an online course consisting of 6 irresistible modules. Each week, for 6 weeks, you will be given access to a new module, which you are encouraged to complete at your own pace. Within each module, you will get at least one instructional video for you to sit back and consume, expanding your knowledge and stimulating your cortical mind. You will also have a weekly “mission” (ok, ok…it’s homework but it’s sexier to call it a “mission”). The mission will typically include a worksheet, to help you integrate what you learned in the video and make it your own, and a guided audio self-practice to really embody the learning.

Scroll to steal a sneak peak at what's included in the course:

Module 1

Men's Anatomy of Pleasure

The sexual anatomy of a man is complex, amazing, and varied. It's composed of several organs that work together to produce and transport sperm, experience pleasure (receiving and giving), and regulate hormones. The organs and parts we'll focus on in this training are the penis, testicles, perineum, anus, prostate gland, pc muscle, and brain.


Pick your pricing

Reasonable payment plans are joyfully offered! Please contact me to arrange. Prefer to work entirely 1:1 with me? Click here: Men's Sexual Empowerment

  • The Magnetic Man

    • 6 Core Modules
    • 3 Bonus Workshops
    • Guest Teacher Masterclasses
  • The Magnetic Man VIP

    • 6 Core Modules
    • 3 Bonus Workshops
    • Guest Teacher Masterclasses
    • 3 Coaching Sessions (1:1 w/ Kyle)
  • The Magnetic King

    • 6 Core Modules
    • 3 Bonus Workshops
    • Guest Teacher Masterclasses
    • 6 Coaching Sessions (1:1 w/ Kyle)
    • Individual Goal: Strategy & Implementation
    • Customized Homework


"Through working with Kyle, I’ve unlocked new levels of my sexuality. What I would call breakthroughs—things I never thought were possible for a man my age."


"I truly believe that you are such a magical sex witch, so delicious, so amazing...I love you so much! Heart explosions. Owwwfffff"


"Consistently make me feel like the most important person in the world. You listen so carefully to me and track our sessions like a superstar. I always look forward to our sessions and felt like you were not only my coach but also my friend."


"Kyle offers a luscious and juicy container that feels like a perfect welcoming hug. In our group, I felt so safe and loved and totally free to be real, even when I'm messy. She has a way of inviting us to go deep and still have fun. Kyle is a great big permission slip to be ALL of me!" 



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