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Jen, the Heartbreak Phoenix (aka: A Very Fucked-Up Heartbreak Story - Part 2)

Updated: Nov 3, 2023

Remember Jen? I told you all about her terrible, heartbreak story in my last post (read it here if you missed it).

Well here's how she rose from the ashes to become an actual glowing freaking goddess.


Jen walked, crawled, screamed, and dragged herself through fire. The worst part was thinking she was fine, only to have her ex do what he did and re-open those tenderly (and tenuously) healing wounds.

She could feel that her PHYSICAL BODY was impacted by the broken heart feelings (she was exhausted, sore, tight, anxious, and her cry-reflex was on a hair trigger). So one day, she decided that enough was enough. She was done feeling that way.

Jen set out on a campaign of healing herself from the inside out and loving herself the most.

After coming to the realization that the key to ultimate and lasting freedom from this heartbreak was by engaging her body, she decided to work with a coach who specialized in body, mind, and soul (yep, it's me).

She committed to making space for a DAILY practice, consisting of things like:






Challenging her “story”

Emotional expression


Owning her shit

Inner child reparenting

Shadow work

Sexual self-alchemy

…and more

It sounds like a lot of work, eh? Well, Heartbreak is a BIG DEAL so healing from Heartbreak must also be a BIG DEAL.

What Jen discovered was that she could love the hurting parts, the shameful parts, the shattered and shadowy parts of herself. Jen discovered a power inside of her that she had forgotten about during and even after the relationship.

She unlocked a deep remembering. Of loving herself the most. Of being strong and powerful and happy and at ease. Of owning her pleasure. Of self-trust, and confidence.

…and holy shit the confidence.

Let me tell you, Jen is now a woman holding a lantern for other women to see the path to claiming their confidence. She shines, y'all. She is vibrant, radiant, and sexually alive.

Side note: Yes, I coached her through this (it's my dharma and my passion and it's what my heart is called to do y'all), but I want to highlight that JEN DID THE WORK. I'm a great coach, but JEN had to be ready, and JEN had to go to the places I invited her to go in order for the practices to move the needle. What I'm trying to say is that, even though I'm a skilled coach, it's the client who brings the magic.

I hope you enjoyed Jen's story. She's not alone by a long shot. Healing from a broken heart is hard, and requires commitment, and is totally 100% absolutely possible. I can help. Stick around for weekly content about Heartbreak and so much other yummy and powerful content on becoming and being the radiant, confident woman you are.


Hi, I'm Kyle, a VITA Certified Heartbreak and Sexual Empowerment Coach. It's my passion, my calling, and my dharmic duty to bring heartbreak healing to women who need it and are ready for it. You can schedule a FREE introductory session with me RIGHT HERE. Share your story, be witnessed, and be expertly held.

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