You feel the blood leaving your limbs. Your face feels numb and somehow at the same time, hot. The bottom of your stomach drops a few floors.
Why is seeing your ex such a physical fucking disaster??
If you know this feeling, you know. It's just...ick. For me, it was a flushed-feeling face, an (unpleasant) tingling up my spine, shaky hands and lips…but most of all, that overwhelming adrenaline rush that just sucks everything else out of me and makes me into a bumbling, mumbling, black hole of anxiety.
Have you ever felt this way when you suddenly run into an ex?
So what is it?
Well, it's essentially your body being an absolute genius.
Your body is calling on a preparatory mechanism for when it senses a threat. Your flight, fight, freeze (or fawn) response is kicking in, because your body is screaming DANGER, DANGER, DANGER. You're being confronted with something your body knows can cause discomfort, pain, and more.
Physiologically, your amazing body is responding to the threat by pulling resources into the vital organs. Heart, lungs, gut, etc. And this means that your less-vital pieces and parts (aka lips, limbs) are being somewhat ignored. Aaaaaaand this means that you're going to VERY MUCH feel a lot going on in your body because a lot IS going on in your body!
Mmmmkay, so now you know what's going on (and knowing is half the battle...right?), but what can you DO about it?
If you're a preparer type, you can read the blog post I made about Prepping to See Your Ex (you can find that right HERE.)
If you're more of a "show me some quick ideas and let run with them", here's a cheeky TikTok video I made on the topic (and babe, while you're at it you might as well follow me!)
And lastly, if you are more the "I want to indulge in a lovely meditation to start my day" type, here's my very popular "Empower Your Day with Color" meditation, that will set you up for a day of sovereignty and delight.
Cheers for now,